While both successfully round off its containing parameter to an integer within the designated range math floor does so more evenly so the resulting integer isn t lopsided towards either end of the number spectrum what is the real difference.
Floor vs round javascript.
Returns the smallest of the two arguments.
It is the value which is to be tested for math floor.
This method accepts single parameter asmentioned above and described below.
If the passed argument is an integer the value will not be rounded.
The ceil method rounds a number upwards to the nearest integer and returns the result.
The final rounded value depends on the fractional part.
Math floor x parameters x a number.
The math floor method is used to round off the number passed as a parameter to its nearest integer in downward direction of rounding i e.
Javascript uses three methods to achieve this.
Returns the closed int or long as per the argument double or float.
Difference between math floor and math round javascript i do not want an answer like.
A number representing the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number.
Because floor is a static method of math you always use it as math floor rather than as a method of a math object you created math is not a constructor.
When it comes to generating random numbers though math floor has a more even distribution than math round.
Math floor always rounds down to the nearest integer while math round will round up or down depending on what side of 5 the number falls on.
Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument.
So the basic answer is that you use which one gets the result you expect.
Double float int long.
This method will resemble what you probably learned in school if you were paying more attention than me.